Moving Forward

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

Church Family,

We wanted to give you an update from our meeting today with the leadership team of Cayce First Baptist. Today's meeting was to discuss some of the major hurdles to becoming one church- hurdles like church leadership structure, style of worship, and what the name of our church would be if we decide to join together as one church.

We left that meeting very encouraged. We were encouraged by their humility on these issues. We were encouraged by their willingness to change in order to better reach the city. We were encouraged by their heart for leading their church towards joining together.

Their leadership team came to a few conclusions. They were willing to lead their church towards accepting our church structure: elder-led, deacon-served, and congregational affirming. They were willing to also lead their church towards a style of worship (music, communion, preaching, etc.) that is in line with how we do Sunday Gatherings. We also came to the conclusion that our name should remain Mill City, yet that we should make accommodations for where this church has been for the last century, so we agreed on a name like Mill City Church of Cayce.

These were a few of the things that we discussed and we still have more discussions ahead of us, but today seemed to be a turning point towards moving forward together. Please continue to pray for us as pastors as we seek wisdom and the Holy Spirit. Please pray for their leaders as they continue to cast vision for their church on the big decisions ahead.

And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please come to us.

Matt, Raz, Chet, and Spencer


Take a Look


Conversations Continue!