Summer Ministry Leader Internship

May 19, 2024 — July 21st, 2024

The Ministry Leader Summer Internship is a 10-Week program for college students to be spiritually developed and grown as leaders in the Church. As a summer intern, you will learn what it looks like to work shoulder to shoulder with our pastors and staff and get hands-on experience with real ministry responsibilities.

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Summer Interns will receive:

  • Team building opportunities

  • Growth in general ministry knowledge

  • Specific leadership training

  • Opportunities to teach

  • Group accountability

  • Training in spiritual disciplines

  • Practical ministry opportunities

  • Personal coaching & mentoring

We offer four internship tracks:

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Pastoral Leadership

For anyone who feels called to pastoral Leadership.

  • Receive practical understanding and training for essential areas of pastoral ministry including:

    • Pastoral Care

    • Care and Counseling

    • Evangelism & Discipleship

    • Sermon Preparation

    • Teaching

    • Administration

    • Coaching

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Music Leadership

For anyone who feels called to Leadership in Worship and Music.

  • Receive practical understanding and training for essential areas of worship and music including:

    • Musical Competency Development

    • Production

    • Worship Planning

    • Worship Leading

    • Discipleship

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Ministry Leadership

for anyone who feels called to ministry, buT not sure what aspect yet.

  • Receive practical understanding and training for essential areas of church ministry including:

    • Teaching 

    • Kids and Families 

    • Administration 

    • Care and Counseling 

    • Hospitality

    • Communications




  • Receive missions training through our partnership with 1040 Hope:

    • Philosophy of Missions Training

    • Missions Network Experience

    • Work with Missionaries on the Ground

    • Possible Mission Trip Experience