Let's Get Lunch!

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

Our conversations with FBC Cayce continue to be encouraging. At this stage we have moved past many potential obstacles and have started talking about how missions, community groups, membership, and more could look in the future.

That said, at this point we’d love to get both our churches in the same room to just spend some time together and get to know each other - so we’re going to get lunch together in the fellowship hall at FBC Cayce immediately after the gathering on Sept 22. That means for us, we’re going to be inviting everyone to plan to load up your families at Glenforest and ride over to FBC for lunch. More details will come soon.

Save The Date
September 22, immediately following our gathering.
FBC Fellowship Hall - 600 Holland Ave, Cayce SC 29033


The Next Few Weeks with FBC


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