Groups on Mission
Groups on Mission
Read the Groups on Mission PDF (Groups on Mission PDF)
Or Listen to the training below
The chart on the next page is designed to help you be intentional with those God has put around you.
Name column: What people in your life from the categories below are you praying for? Who would you love to see become a Christian?
Next Steps column: What practical next steps can you take to engage them with the gospel? (ex: eat lunch, invite to a rhythm, have intentional conversation)
Group Effort column: How can your Community Group support and encourage you with this person? How can you make it a group effort?
Pray and Engage Chart
Is there a particular group of people that your group is well suited to reach? How are you leveraging your time to serve and make a difference in the city? If this is not happening, how can you take steps toward helping your group meet tangible needs in the city?
Personal Reflection: How are you gifted to help your group be on mission? How do you see different, yet complimentary gifts in the other people in your group?
How could you use the rhythms of your group to intentionally be missional with the people in your everyday life?
Pick a missional rhythm opportunity and follow through to pursue those around you who do not know Christ.