Community Raz Bradley Community Raz Bradley

Church as Family

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.




Read the Church as Family PDF (Church as Family PDF)

OR Listen to the training below


How does your earthly family affect how you view your Community Group as a family?

If your personal picture is negative - how does Christ redeem this picture? If you have had a very positive earthly example of family - how does Christ give us an even greater fulfillment to family?

What are a few practical examples of when your group felt most like a gospel-centered family?

What are a few ways that your group can feel more like a gospel-centered family?

Are there times in your group where it doesn’t feel like a family?

With your group this week, discuss how you all can feel more like a family and plan a way to actively practice this eternal reality.


Invite someone in your group into an opportunity to practice being family (do some yard work, share a meal, etc.)

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Community Raz Bradley Community Raz Bradley

Group Meeting Time

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.




Read the Group Meeting Time PDF (Group Meeting Time PDF)

OR Listen to the training below


Group Scenario

Sam’s group gets into great theological discussions each week, and it seems like everyone is growing by reading their Bible and serving at the soup kitchen on Saturdays. The problem is that they don’t feel like they know each other very well and they aren’t really friends. Where might this group need to focus some energy? How should Sam go about addressing this?

Consider you group. How is your group doing with the four elements that should be present? Which aspect of Group Meeting Time does your group often handle well? Which aspect can your group grow in?

Brainstorm a few ways to assist your group in growing in these categories. Pick 1 or 2 to take the first steps towards implementing this week.


Walk through with your Group Leaders in developing a plan for next steps in helping your group grow in whichever area you are the weakest. Work so that you can take the lead in implementing your plan.

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Community Raz Bradley Community Raz Bradley

Group Rhythms

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.




Read the Rhythms PDF (Rhythms PDF)

OR Listen to the training below


Developing Healthy Rhythms

Currently what are the intentional rhythms in your group?

Given the ideas for rhythms listed in the Potential Rhythms Chart, what might be some potential avenues for rhythms in your Community Group?

The chart below is a personal rhythms calendar. Take a minute to map out a schedule for yourself like this. (Fill in what life usually looks like for you, who you are normally around, etc.)

Rhythms Calendar.png

Now, try to think through where you might have opportunities for consistent rhythms with others in your group given your understanding of their schedules.


Plan something that could possibly become a rhythm for your group. Get one other person to commit to be involved and then invite the rest of your group.

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Community Raz Bradley Community Raz Bradley

Celebrate the Mess

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.




Read the Celebrate the Mess PDF (Celebrate the Mess PDF)

Or Listen to the training below


Situation 1: Miranda, a college student in your group, says, “I’m pregnant. I found out a couple weeks ago. I told Jimmy, but he said he isn’t ready to be a dad and that I should have been more careful. Now he won’t take my calls. I’m afraid to tell my parents because I know how they’ll react. I really don’t know what to do.”

How should you respond right then?

How should your group respond over the next few weeks?

Situation 2: In your group discussion time, Darrell shames his wife Krystal by talking about how she spends all their money. He blames her for their financial issues.

How do you respond in the moment?

What could be your next actions steps?

Situation 3: Denise’s car is on it’s last leg. She talks it over with your group and decides it’s time to get a new car. Your group has talked with her about budgeting for both the car and insurance payments. She purchases a car where the payment alone is slightly more than she can afford monthly.

What is your response?

How do you lead your group?

What is the next thing you and your group should do?


Are there currently any difficult situations in your group? Is there anyone in your group that you can invite into helping bear this burden with you?

Is there a tough situation in your group that has gotten better? Have you taken the time to celebrate? How might you find a why to celebrate this situation?

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Community Raz Bradley Community Raz Bradley

Confession and Repentance

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Confession and Repentance


Read the Confession and Repentance PDF (Confession and Repentance PDF)

Or Listen to the training below


How might you respond if someone in your group says the following during confession:

Every couple of weeks, my girlfriend and I have sex when we're hanging out at my apartment. I want to stop, and we do good for a while, but then we always fall back into it.

When I come home from working all day, the house is a wreck and it seems like none of the stuff around the house has been done. I know I shouldn't be angry and prideful, but I work too hard to have to come home and do all of this when she's been home all day.

I'm frustrated with God. I feel like every time I get in a good spot in life, he messes everything up. Job, family, money - it's never stable.

I’ve been smoking weed since I was in high school. I know it’s technically illegal, but it’s the only way I can relax. I guess I should stop, but I’m honestly not really sure I want to. It doesn’t hurt anyone.


When you group next has a confession and repentance night be sure to lead one of the narrating sections (explaining why we can confess, how we approach it, reminding your group of the gospel, etc.).

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Community Raz Bradley Community Raz Bradley

Church Discipline

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Church Discipline


Read the Church Discipline PDF (Church Discipline PDF)

or Listen to the training below


Mark comes to you and says that Aaron lied about him to another member of your group. How might you respond and help them to walk through the outline we see in Matthew 18? If Mark never acknowledges his sin and repents, how do you proceed?


Is there someone in your group that you can train through this concept? Set up a time to discuss how we as believers ought to go about addressing sin in one another.

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Gospel Raz Bradley Gospel Raz Bradley

Intro to Groups

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Read the first Session of LIT Process (Why Groups PDF)

Or watch/listen to Intro to Groups


Deacon Qualifications

Take a minute and walk through the Deacon Qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

  • Which areas do you feel you are already strong in?

  • Which areas do you feel you need to grow in?

  • Are there any areas of specific concern?


Walk through the Deacon Qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3 with your current Group Leader. Be sure to share any areas of weakness you believe you may have currently.

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Gospel Raz Bradley Gospel Raz Bradley

Personal Evaluation

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


1) Work through the Personal Evaluation (Personal Evaluation PDF)

2) Read the Closed Handed Theology training (Closed Handed Theology PDF)



Take some time to pray through and consider the personal evaluation.

Read through the Closed Handed theology document and prepare any questions you may have about theology prior to meeting with your Group Leaders.


Discuss with your Group Leaders your personal evaluation, any questions you have about the Closed Handed Theology document.

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Gospel Raz Bradley Gospel Raz Bradley

Gospel Fluency: Session 1

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

GF 1.jpg

Read Session 1 of Gospel Fluency (Gospel Fluency: Session 1 PDF)


Watch the video below and read through (Basic Gospel Vocab PDF)


Good news before good advice

Scenario:  Michelle confesses to your group that she is having marital issues. Her husband, Tom, accuses her of loving her job more than her family, but Michelle knows that her job is what provides everything for the family, while Tom stays home with the kids. She is worried they will get a divorce.

What would you or your group normally say in response to something like this?

Did the reply point Michelle to the gospel? Or was it mostly advice?

Jesus is the answer

Scenario:  Dave’s girlfriend just broke up with him, and now he won’t hang out with your group anymore.

Using the Basic Gospel Vocab document which facets of the gospel do you believe would be helpful to point Dave toward?


Find someone in your group with whom you can take some time to discuss with them one concept from Gospel Fluency that stood out to you. Do this some time over the next week.

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Gospel Raz Bradley Gospel Raz Bradley

Gospel Fluency: Session 2

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

GF 2.jpg

Read Session 2 of Gospel Fluency (Gospel Fluency: Session 2 PDF) (Deep Idol Chart)


Watch/Listen to Session 2


Deep Idols

Jarrod is a new believer who is consistently confessing to your group that he parties every weekend. It often keeps him from joining your group on Sundays at the Gathering and he routinely regrets poor decisions he made while drinking - ranging from arguments with friends to sexual sin.

What is the surface level idol or sin? How would you begin to discover the deep idol? Explain how each of the four deep idols could cause Jarrod to pursue these sins.

Identity in Christ

Alexa has just lost her job and is anxious about how she’s going to survive. She is hanging out with your group, but most of the night, she is quiet and withdrawn. She quickly shifts to borderline panic when she talks about her situation. “I just don’t know how I’ll make it. I won’t be able to find a job. I won’t be able to pay back my loans. They’re going to repo my car, and I’ll definitely get evicted!”

Work through Alexa’s situation using this model.


Situation 1:  You are getting to know your coworker Cam over lunch in the break room. He says, “We just grew up so poor, you know? I’ve never wanted my kids to be poor like we were. That’s why I’m working here. I hate this place, but the pay is good. I figure about 20 years here and I’ll be able to retire and my kids can have all the stuff I never had.”

Plot Cam’s story using the Creation - Fall - Redemption - Restoration framework. How does the gospel intersect with Cam’s story?

How might you begin to help him see this?

Situation 2: You are trying to get to know your neighbors and you’ve invited Claire over for dinner. She says, “We were only married for 4 years before it all melted down. We were young, we were in love, but we just couldn’t keep it together. Some of it was my fault. Some of it was his. One day he was just gone. I’m on eHarmony now. I’ve had a few matches, nothing has worked out yet. I know it will one day soon, I guess. I’m just kind of waiting for the right guy to come along so life can get started again.”

Plot Claire’s story using the Creation - Fall - Redemption - Restoration framework. How does the gospel intersect with Claire’s story?

How might you begin to help her see this? 


Over the next week take the time to explain one of these methods with someone else in your group.

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Gospel Raz Bradley Gospel Raz Bradley

Gospel Fluency: Session 3

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

GF 3.jpg

Read Session 3 of Gospel Fluency (Gospel Fluency: Session 3 PDF) (Gospel U Chart PDF)


Watch/Listen to Session 3


Gospel U Chart

Scenario:  “Every time we go out somewhere, I end up yelling at my kids. I don’t want to, but it’s so frustrating. They’re loud, they don’t listen, and they cause problems everywhere we go. The whole situation is embarrassing because it makes me look like a bad parent.”

Use this method to help us move beyond simply addressing behavior to identifying the root source of unbelief that led to sinful action.

Confession, Repentance, Communion

Think through times that you have confessed to your group. Were you genuine and open? How did you confess both, your sin and your savior? If you only confessed your sin, how can you clearly confess Jesus as your savior in light of this sin area?

One Step Further

Scenario:  Tina is struggling with same sex attraction and feels guilty and condemned. James says, “You know that God loves you and forgives you. You’re okay.”

How can you take the truth that James told Tina one step further to reach the gospel?


Over the next week take the time to explain one of these methods with someone else in your group.

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Mission Raz Bradley Mission Raz Bradley

Everyday Missionaries

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.




Read the Everyday Missionaries PDF (Everyday Missionaries PDF)

Or Listen to the training below


Use the following chart to list out all the current activities that take up your weekly schedule: (work, play, family, relationships, etc)

Rhythms Calendar.png

When thinking about being on mission, what do you feel like in your schedule most gets in the way? Why?

Helpful Tips: When thinking through your opportunities for everyday mission, two ideas are:

  1. Look for opportunities in your normal routine.

  2. Invite people into what you’re already doing.

What in your normal routine are you able to invite people into?

Who are you building with who would be able to join your in these routines?

Who are you not building with, but should be because they are already a part of your normal routine?

In general, how can you begin to work with gospel intentionality? Play with gospel intentionality? Build relationships with gospel intentionality? Spend time with your family with gospel intentionality?

Who do you need to take a next step towards sharing the gospel with them?


Invite someone in your group to join you in a missional opportunity that you have, or help them see one they have and you join them.

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Mission Raz Bradley Mission Raz Bradley

Groups on Mission

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Groups on Mission


Read the Groups on Mission PDF (Groups on Mission PDF)

Or Listen to the training below


The chart on the next page is designed to help you be intentional with those God has put around you.

Name column: What people in your life from the categories below are you praying for? Who would you love to see become a Christian?

Next Steps column: What practical next steps can you take to engage them with the gospel? (ex: eat lunch, invite to a rhythm, have intentional conversation)

Group Effort column: How can your Community Group support and encourage you with this person? How can you make it a group effort?

Pray and Engage Chart

Screenshot 2020-09-24 163231.png

Is there a particular group of people that your group is well suited to reach? How are you leveraging your time to serve and make a difference in the city? If this is not happening, how can you take steps toward helping your group meet tangible needs in the city?

Personal Reflection: How are you gifted to help your group be on mission? How do you see different, yet complimentary gifts in the other people in your group?

How could you use the rhythms of your group to intentionally be missional with the people in your everyday life?


Pick a missional rhythm opportunity and follow through to pursue those around you who do not know Christ.

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Mission Raz Bradley Mission Raz Bradley

Making Disciples

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.




Read the Making Disciples PDF (Making Disciples PDF)

Or Listen to the training below


List everyone in your group who currently shows up to everything and has a hunger to follow Jesus.

What is something you can challenge them with or a responsibility in your group they can begin carrying?

Who in your group might be ready to be invited into the LIT Process? How might they take their first step in this direction?


Implement some of the next steps you outlined in the TRY section.

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Mission Raz Bradley Mission Raz Bradley

Launching a New Group

Fusce in magna cursus ipsum laoreet varius. Cras eu purus quam. Phasellus ac ligula fermentum, tincidunt tellus eget, eleifend nulla. Etiam et nisi pretium, egestas ex vel, tincidunt nibh. Nulla elit dolor, rhoncus ut bibendum nec, lacinia dapibus arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Launching a New Group


Read the Launching a New Group PDF (Launching a New Group PDF)

Or Listen to the Training Below


Talk through with your Group Leader what multiplying your group would look like. What do you currently have in place? What needs to be in place before you could multiply? In what areas do you need to continue to grow? How far out from multiplying is your group currently?


As you walked through this training you have had opportunities to invite others to grow and learn along with you. Who do you believe may be ready to enter into a LIT process with you? Who could potentially go out with you to be a part of the core team of a new group? Set up a time to talk to them and invite them into this role.

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