Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

Kid City Transition Plans

One of our priorities as we move to the facilities at First Baptist Church is to create an excellent environment for our kids to learn about the Gospel. This is going to take some planning and construction at the new location. In the meantime, we want to create a smooth transition for the kids, families, and volunteers involved with Kid City. Below is a quick walk-through of the plan for Kid City on a temporary basis until the new classrooms are complete.

And for those who like the visual, here is the temporary check-in process/layout.

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

They Voted Yes!

We’re excited to announce that on 11/17/2019, the membership of First Baptist Church of Cayce voted to accept the Good Faith Agreement as proposed. This means that Mill City Church and First Baptist Church of Cayce will join together and become Mill City Church of Cayce.

We will be celebrating on Wednesday 11/20/2019 at 6:30 pm with a combined dinner at the FBC campus.

Pulled pork bbq will be provided, we ask that members of the churches provide sides and desserts.

Cayce First Baptist Church
600 Holland Ave
Cayce, SC 29033

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

FBC Cayce Update (10/30)

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

Upcoming Dates

  • November 3rd - Good Faith Agreement presented to First Baptist Church of Cayce

  • November 6th & 13th - Wednesday night Q&A with FBC Cayce

  • November 17th - First Baptist Church of Cayce votes on the potential union

  • November 20th - Fellowship Meal (location TBD by vote outcome)

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

The Next Few Weeks with FBC

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

Let's Get Lunch!

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

Our conversations with FBC Cayce continue to be encouraging. At this stage we have moved past many potential obstacles and have started talking about how missions, community groups, membership, and more could look in the future.

That said, at this point we’d love to get both our churches in the same room to just spend some time together and get to know each other - so we’re going to get lunch together in the fellowship hall at FBC Cayce immediately after the gathering on Sept 22. That means for us, we’re going to be inviting everyone to plan to load up your families at Glenforest and ride over to FBC for lunch. More details will come soon.

Save The Date
September 22, immediately following our gathering.
FBC Fellowship Hall - 600 Holland Ave, Cayce SC 29033

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

Take a Look


While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!


We’re excited to give you a sneak preview of the inside of First Baptist Church Cayce.

We have a lot of volunteers and ministry leaders who have responsibilities that rely on an understanding of the building we meet in.

The purpose of creating this visual is so that our church family and volunteers can get excited and see the massive amount of potential for the future growth of our church through a possible union with the members of First Baptist Church Cayce.

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

Moving Forward

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

Church Family,

We wanted to give you an update from our meeting today with the leadership team of Cayce First Baptist. Today's meeting was to discuss some of the major hurdles to becoming one church- hurdles like church leadership structure, style of worship, and what the name of our church would be if we decide to join together as one church.

We left that meeting very encouraged. We were encouraged by their humility on these issues. We were encouraged by their willingness to change in order to better reach the city. We were encouraged by their heart for leading their church towards joining together.

Their leadership team came to a few conclusions. They were willing to lead their church towards accepting our church structure: elder-led, deacon-served, and congregational affirming. They were willing to also lead their church towards a style of worship (music, communion, preaching, etc.) that is in line with how we do Sunday Gatherings. We also came to the conclusion that our name should remain Mill City, yet that we should make accommodations for where this church has been for the last century, so we agreed on a name like Mill City Church of Cayce.

These were a few of the things that we discussed and we still have more discussions ahead of us, but today seemed to be a turning point towards moving forward together. Please continue to pray for us as pastors as we seek wisdom and the Holy Spirit. Please pray for their leaders as they continue to cast vision for their church on the big decisions ahead.

And as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please come to us.

Matt, Raz, Chet, and Spencer

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Raz Bradley Raz Bradley

Conversations Continue!

While both churches have made public announcements regarding a potential future union, at this time we would prefer to keep the spread of relevant information in-house and would ask that you refrain from reposting announcements. Thanks!

We wanted to update you on how things are progressing in our conversation with First Baptist Church of Cayce. About 8 weeks ago we were approached by them about the potential for our two churches to join together in order to be better equipped for the mission of proclaiming the gospel and making disciples in our city.

Their congregation voted as to whether or not they wanted to begin having serious conversations about us joining together. In some ways it was like they were getting permission for us to date. Well, yesterday their members voted that they would like to continue talking with us. We knew they might not even be willing to keep talking to us, but they are. We're excited to see what God may have in store for us. It's still very early. So we are cautious and moving slowly, but we should be as excited as you can be on a first date. Could be fun. Might be nothing. But, you never know.

In the coming weeks, we will continue to talk with them about how a potential union between our two church families would look. Please be praying for wisdom and grace, and that the Lord's will be done as we consider this.

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